Workshop: Volcanos and 3D Modelling

04.12.2021 14 bis 15:30 Uhr – Online
The workshop was postponed to December 11th, 2021st 14:00 due to an internet malfunction
Achtung: Workshop findet in Englisch statt!
You always wanted to know how to turn volcanoes into 3D objects and compare them?
With the help of an experienced volcanologist we will explain to you how this works.
The workshop will focus on aerial photogrammetry and post-processing of digital elevation models (DEMs) of volcanoes. We will perform comparison of volcanoes before and after the eruption and make their structure visible for analysis.
Please register via email until the 03.12.2021 20:00
Please download the following Software and Dataset for processing:
Regard3D is a 64-bit-only program. It only runs on 64 bit versions of Windows and Mac OS X
Shiveluch volcano 2012-2019 Photogrametric dataset
(we olny need the *.las Files)
Bezymianny volcano 1967-2017 photogrammetric dataset
And the aerial photosets: (Please download in seperate Folders)
Pre Eruption:
Post Eruption:
The Workshop ist part of our code week and was funded by meet-and-code. We are to supported by Neustart Kultur and the BMBF. Thanks a lot.