Collaborative Work in Europe. From Factories to Multifactories – Filmpremiere am Freitag

Letztes Jahr besuchten uns Giulio und Lorenza von BigMagma ( aus Milano, um im freiLand eine Teil ihres Doku-Puzzles über Multifactory Räume in Europa zu drehen. Eine Suche nach Orten wo neue Formen von kollaborativer Ökonomie, gegenseitiger Hilfe, kreativen Austauschs gelebt werden. Daraus ist ein spannender Dokumentarfilm geworden, der uns einen Einblick in 8 verschiedenen “Multifactorys” all over europe bietet. Barcelona, Milano, London, Potsdam…
Am Freitag, dem 22.08. um 21.00 Uhr zeigen wir den Film im Café “hauszwei” des freiland. Eintritt ist frei. Da Giulio und Lorenza gerade einen Monat im freiLand zu Besuch sind, werden sie an dem Abend auch da sein und über ihre Erfahrungen und Ideen mit uns sprechen können.

Hier noch eine kurze Synopsis des Films in englisch:

The documentary starts with a car riding under the snow, looking for what remains of the illusions of the 70’s. Monumental urban installations, now in decline and almost hidden by vegetation and rust, are to witness a society that strongly believed in social promotion implemented through work.
Where is the jointly liable community of citizens and workers that had been promised by politics and corporations? How do we combat the sense of disorientation that pervades people who are new to the labor market and can’t find a job or mid-aged people who lost their job and can’t find a new one? How can the citizen “perform an activity that contributes to the material and spiritual progress of society,” as the Italian constitution states?
Thus began the journey, real and metaphorical, through five countries in search of MultiFactories, places that reinvent the idea of work.
MultiFactories are a European phenomenon made by people who seem to be the pioneers of an emerging social class; incorporating new values and characteristics of artisans, entrepreneurs, and freelancers.
You only need to enter each building in which they are developing and listen to the individual experiences of these guys, to see what’s new.
We received many similar responses out of a single, coherent framework. A single speech of many voices, a large choral work that explains how these social systems are structured and can exist.
These forms of work organization, independent and free, are a practical and functional interpretation of the basic principles of Collaborative Economy, on which the European Union is investing so much.

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eure machbar 🙂



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